As an oversea student when I was 15 at Toronto three decades ago, I made this dish but failed badly.  I just stir fried bean sprouts from start to end.  We didn't have YouTube back then, there was no channel like Nyonya Cooking (Malaysian Cuisine Angel)  to guide us.  Although I knew how to make it, I now preferred Nyonya Cooking style.  Terima Kasih.
Chi En Loong
Chi En Loong

As an oversea student when I was 15 at Toronto three decades ago, I made this dish but failed badly. I just stir fried bean sprouts from start to end. We didn't have YouTube back then, there was no channel like Nyonya Cooking (Malaysian Cuisine Angel) to guide us. Although I knew how to make it, I now preferred Nyonya Cooking style. Terima Kasih.

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