Date: 18 Jan 2020 (Sat)
19th Dessert: Pengat Pisang dengan Sagu dan Gula Putih (Banana Dessert with Sago and White Sugar) [188] [139.3%] [Score: 10.0]
Cuisines: Malay, Malaysian
Dish Type: Dessert

This version of Pengat Pisang is easier to prepare compare to my previous version of Pengat Pisang dengan Sagu dan Gula Merah because we do not have to worry that the sugar would get burned. Palm sugar has the tendency to get burned and become bitter especially when sago is cooked together with the dessert. In this version the sago is prepared separately; it is later added to the dessert. Also, white sugar is used rather than palm sugar.

Date: 18 Jan 2020 (Sat) 19th Dessert: Pengat Pisang dengan Sagu dan Gula Putih (Banana Dessert with Sago and White Sugar) [188] [139.3%] [Score: 10.0] Cuisines: Malay, Malaysian Dish Type: Dessert This version of Pengat Pisang is easier to prepare compare to my previous version of Pengat Pisang dengan Sagu dan Gula Merah because we do not have to worry that the sugar would get burned. Palm sugar has the tendency to get burned and become bitter especially when sago is cooked together with the dessert. In this version the sago is prepared separately; it is later added to the dessert. Also, white sugar is used rather than palm sugar.

  • Mira - Community Happiness Manager
    Mira - Community Happiness Manager

    Oh this is so delightful. I remember having this when I was younger. Have you tried combining palm sugar and white sugar? By the way, you may want to change the names of the recipe in English. We can add the alternative name (in Malay) for you.

    4 years ago
  • Robin

    Yes Mira. Banana-Coconut Milk-Salt-Sugar (White or Palm or Mix of White and Palm) plus Sago is always a winning combination. The Introduction in the Recipe is too limited to explain everything. Yes, I'm aware of mixing white and palm sugar.

    4 years ago
  • Robin

    In my opinion the name stays in the language of its origin. The alternative name would be in English. In that way we do not lose the originality of the dish.

    4 years ago
  • Mira - Community Happiness Manager
    Mira - Community Happiness Manager

    Noted, Matt will be working on the Intro. I believe you communicated this to him. We will get that fixed!

    4 years ago
  • Mira - Community Happiness Manager
    Mira - Community Happiness Manager

    That explains it! Many of our users do not speak Malay. An unknown term will not be searched. For example, the term "banana" will be searched more often than "pisang". Anyway, I will leave it up to you ๐Ÿ˜‰

    4 years ago
  • Robin

    Yes, I really believe so. If we put it in any other way we would lose the meaning of the dish. I just hope the search engine would include the alternative name too :)

    4 years ago
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